Give your children a helping hand as they start their literacy journey
Two comprehensive libraries - Decodable and Levelled - offer quality texts for children who are just beginning to read, right through to those who are developing fluency and independence.

Decodable Library
180 decodable books support a structured way of teaching reading. In the books, only the letters and sounds that the children have been taught up to that point are used. This ensures children can ‘decode’ all the words on every page, so there is no need for them to guess words.
(Please note the Sunshine Online Decodable Library is currently our Australian edition, featuring Australian illustration and voiceover).
Levelled Library
Success in reading and maths is essential for ongoing achievement and confidence. The Levelled Library has over 900 fiction and non-fiction e-books for literacy learning and practice, along with a range of skills activities including fluency, comprehension and maths.

Decodable Library

What are decodable books?
Decodable books only contain words that can be read using the skills the children have been taught up to that point. For example, the first books the children read is based on only needing to know the sounds for the letters s a t p i n m d. Only words using these sounds are used in the books.
For the next set of books, children also learn the sounds for the letters g o b h e r f u l. They continue in this way until all 44 sounds have been learnt, practising their new phonics knowledge as they go. As children progress higher up through the programme, they learn different spellings for sounds they have already learnt.
The sequence of learning
The books automatically unlock in the correct order as they are completed (or they can also be assigned individually). Each story has three components:
Listen and Say - Children record themselves saying the sounds and blending words.
Read - Children listen to the text or they can read independently.
Record - Children record themselves reading the text.

Student Dashboard and reporting
A managed account provides individual logins for up to three children, who will have a personalised avatar and a dashboard where they can see their results. Parents have access to an easy-to-use administration area where they can allocate work, track results and listen to children’s recordings.
Parent resources
Downloadable resources include the complete Scope and Sequence, lesson plans and student activity sheets. There are also additional printable assessment documents.

Levelled Library

The Sunshine Online Levelled Library is a digital literacy and early numeracy programme. It has been designed to help children aged 5 to 10 years develop the skills needed for reading independence and success. The Levelled Library is divided into three learning spaces – for Emergent, Early and Fluent readers.
Books in the Levelled Library have clear narration and text highlighting. At the early levels (1-5) every word in the text is clickable. All titles are accompanied by two or more activities.

Activities include Thinking and Quiz (comprehension), Words (vocabulary), Record (fluency) and Writing. The recording activity allows children to record their reading of the text. At higher levels, the writing activities allow children to respond to the texts by writing on a topic.
Levelled Library - Additional Content
Maths - maths stories to develop skills and understandings in early numeracy.
Alphabet - 26 Alphabet e-books for emergent readers.
Letter Combination - 24 e-books interactive e-books and activities.
Word Family - 32 interactive e-books and activities.

Letters and Words activities - learn names and initial sounds of letters and 48 high-frequency words.
Grammar - Short animated explanations teach grammar in a fun way.
Songs and Rhymes
Game Zone - Games and activities entertain, while children learn about the sounds of the language.
Certificates, trophies and avatars - Children earn points to unlock avatars, certificates and trophies.
Parent resources - downloadable resources include lesson plans and student activity sheets.